A Trip to Miyazaki Day 3: The Divine Waterfalls of Takachiho Gorge and Shrine

Our third day exploring Miyazaki Prefecture.

On our third day of exploring Miyazaki prefecture during the Golden Week holidays in Japan,  we woke up early on our last day in Miyazaki with a specific place in mind: Takachiho Gorge!

The gorge has been on our must-visit list for a while now, ever since we moved to Kyushu. Renowned for its deep valleys of unique volcanic ravines and cascading waterfalls, visitors can rent turquoise blue boats for a distinctive perspective of the area, looking upwards towards waterfalls and skyward views of the gorge.

However, with Golden Week drawing to a close, we heard that the gorge was packed with tourists and that the boat rental facility was closing early due to high demand. Not wanting to miss out, we set our alarms for 5:30 a.m. to ensure we’d be among the first to experience this.

Early Start & Drive

After a two-and-a-half-hour drive inland, we finally arrived. A long line of cars was already desperately searching for parking. Still, after an hour of searching, we were eventually directed to a makeshift lot next to an old rice processing plant. 

The weather was beautiful and hot, so we didn’t mind the 15-minute walk to the next parking lot, where we lined up for the shuttle bus that took us to the main attraction.

Our view as we walk to the neighbouring parking lot.

Takachiho Gorge Boat Rental Disappointment

After a 15-minute shuttle ride, we finally arrived at the gorge. As we approached the boating area, we were taken aback by the long line of tourists eagerly waiting in line to take their turn to rent boats.

Despite our early start to the day, we seemed too late. After enduring a 30-minute wait in line, the disappointing realization hit us as a sign indicating that all the rental boats had shut down at 11:40 am, with a six-hour waiting list. The Golden Week crowd was an entirely different beast, it seemed.

Takachiho Gorge

Instead of feeling dejected, we decided to ascend to the highest point of the gorge to watch the boat riders below. Despite our initial setback, the splendour of the vistas more than made up for it.

Formed by a volcanic eruption and gradually filled with water, it offers views of the gorge’s tranquil setting as boats glide across the mesmerizing sea foam blue waters, framed by lush greenery.

All of a sudden, any disappointment about not riding one of these boats vanishes as we stand and watch them below.

After taking in the sights, we trekked a short hike up to Takachiho Shrine, a journey that promised more magnificent scenery.

Takachiho Shrine

If we had visited between November and February, we could have seen an evening dance performance in the nearby hall showcasing an 800-year-old Shinto ritual ceremonial dance known as Kagura. Takachiho, the town where this takes place, is considered the birthplace of one of the most well-known legends of Japanese mythology—Amaterasu, the Shinto sun goddess, and her short-lived tantrum that temporarily plunged the world into darkness.

Legend has it that Amaterasu withdrew into a cave due to her brother’s unkind behaviour. It wasn’t until a group of deities put on an impassioned, amusing performance outside the cave that her curiosity was piqued, coaxing her out and restoring vital light to the world. Witnessing such a compelling performance must have been a truly remarkable experience within the performance hall.

Soba for Lunch

We stopped at a small rest stop serving simple dishes of soba noodles, salted rice balls and pickles for lunch. There’s seating outside, so find a spot to enjoy the gorgeous view.

Exploring Miyazaki prefecture during the Golden Week holidays has been an unforgettable adventure. Despite the initial disappointment of missing out on the boat rental at Takachiho Gorge, we found solace in the breathtaking views and the rich historical and cultural experiences the region had to offer. 

From the mesmerizing turquoise waters of the gorge to the ancient traditions of the Takachiho Shrine, and the simple pleasure of enjoying soba noodles with a scenic view, every moment added to the richness of our journey. 

It’s been an incredible three days of sightseeing in Miyazaki, and we know we’ll be back to create more lasting memories in this region!

1 thought on “A Trip to Miyazaki Day 3: The Divine Waterfalls of Takachiho Gorge and Shrine”

  1. The videos are so beautiful!!! Unfortunately the pictures you posted didn’t come through for me, I’ll check back at a later time. Maybe its just a technology glitch. I hope you can make it back there another time for the boat ride. What a beautiful place!!!

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