Frequently Asked Questions​

Here are some of our frequently asked questions about living in Japan, our work visas, and what those multi-legged critters in our house are. 
*Last update: March 2025

Visas & Work

House Renovation

General House

Countryside Living

Camera Equipment


Can’t find your question in the FAQ?

Submit your questions in the comments below, and I’ll do my best to answer and update the FAQs as soon as I can. 👇

65 thoughts on “Frequently Asked Questions”

  1. Harrison Knapp

    Do both you and your partner speak Japanese? How long did it take before you were comfortable enough with the language to be able to start life in the countryside?

    1. Hi there, I answered your first question above in the FAQ. As for the latter question, we both worked as English teachers for three years before we moved to the countryside. We learned a lot about living in Japan, where we had more support in renting, buying a car, and opening a bank account in those three years.

  2. Please disregard if this question is too personal/invasive, but how do you finance your rural life in Japan? My partner and I would love to do this one day (we are Australians), but are not sure how to survive financially, given the rural location (other than sustaining our work in Australia remotely). Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Minami, thank you for your comment! We both work for Japan-based companies  — I for a company that allows me to work remotely (as with their other employees) and he for a business here.

      Because we have Japanese companies sponsoring our visas, it has allowed us to stay for longer term (longer than a visitor visa for example). So, while you could continue to work remotely for your client/businesses in Australia, you’ll be limited to the 3-6 month tourist visa per year if you don’t have a Japanese company sponsoring you. Hope that helps!

  3. Ig: Kai.Art
    Do you or your partner have supplemental income for all the renovation costs / tools etc.? American citizen with Japanese spouse researching if this could be a viable life decision. Thank you and I appreciate your videos very much!
    – Kevin

    1. Hello Kevin, thank you for your comment. I have addressed a portion of your question in the FAQ section above, but I will provide a quick answer here as well. Both my partner and I work for Japanese companies to support our daily expenses and minor renovations. That being said, we don’t have any supplemental income, and are only able to perform small, incremental fixes to our house.

      To be honest, if you wanted to do a proper overhaul and makeover of a house, you’d likely need savings (or a well-paying job) to complete them in a reasonable amount of time.

      I wish you the best of luck!

  4. Hi. I know you mention you do a lot of gardening and you seem to have a rice field. How large is the block of land you own and what does it feature?

    1. Greetings Ayoo, none of the rice fields are part of our property and are either managed or owned by locals. It is important to note that we are renting this property and do not own it. The property is approximately 200-250 square meters, including two small garden plots and the house. If you are interested, my second video on gardening (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMnjBAj4P80&t=290s) offers a brief overview of what is included on our property. I hope this information is useful!

  5. Hi Mika, how did you choose the town and prefecture you’re living in? Was it because of Kochi’s specific culture and traditions, the people, or the climate? I’ve heard Shikoku people are warmer due to the more pleasant weather—do you feel this is true? Maybe we have to speak Japanese to notice such a difference!

    1. Hi Luke,

      Work brought us to Kochi, but the people are certainly a good enough reason to come here! Our experiences living in Japan have always been in southern Japan — first on Kyushu, and now on Shikoku, and we’ve always encountered friendly, warm people during our stay. That being said, I’ve also met plenty of friendly people in other parts of Japan as well, so I wouldn’t say this friendly nature is restricted to Shikoku. Hope that helps!

    1. Hello Candice! Thank you for your kind comment! To answer your question, I use a FujiFilm TX20 camera with an 18-55mm kit lens. Occasionally, I also include footage from my iPhone 12.

  6. Last month you posted a video about using wood to heat your bathtub water, is it possible to use bamboo to do this instead?

    1. Hi Anon, while bamboo has a higher burning temperature, using bamboo to heat up a bath wouldn’t be effective due to the large amount required.

  7. Hi. Thanks for sharing your life in the countryside of Japan. I found it interesting and soothing. This question is perhaps a bit personal so I don’t expect an answer. I imagine most people around you are probably much older than you. Do you miss meeting people with similar age and experience? Do you miss things in cities such as bookstores, concerts, theaters, and also hospitals? I’d also like know how many young people are in this place and if there are schools and kids.

    1. Hi MissTasha, thank you for your comment!

      I do receive mail. Japanese post workers have these great scooters to scale some of those narrow country roads. 😉

  8. Hi, Mika!

    I have been a follower of you and Jesse’s journey on YouTube! I cannot tell you how inspirational it has been for me so I wanted to thank both of you for that. I am a 30 year old American with aspirations of buying an Akiya. I will be traveling Japan for a month beginning in mid-January of next year and will be passing through Kochi. If you and Jesse are open to it, I would love to meet you both and learn more about your experience in Japan. It would be wonderful to begin networking with likeminded people prior to moving to Japan.


    Zack Seiler

    1. Hi Zach, thank you for your kind words! I hope you had a good trip to Japan this year and wish you the best of luck with your akiya aspirations. If you are interested, we have a Q&A section on my Patreon where we answer some of the frequently asked questions in more detail. You can either add your questions there, or send any more on this FAQ page, and I’ll be happy to provide answers. Thanks!

  9. I really enjoy watching your videos and reading your stories here.

    When you moved to Kochi, was any consideration given to the property’s proximity to trains?

    Also, when you entered into the agreement to rent the property was this through a realtor or just you and your partner…and finally, did the property owners want you to rent for a fixed amount and time or was it open ended?

      1. Yes, thank you.
        BTW, do you have a link to the Hong Kong TV piece? or the name of the show/TV Network?

        It would be interesting to see what they captured.

  10. Post more frequently about the rural life in Japan,
    is that too much to ask for!!
    and your videos are really peaceful to watch, keep on!!

  11. Hello,

    Thank you for your beautiful videos. I live in Burnaby, Canada. These videos hit home emotionally because when I was a kid (age 6-14) used to spend almost every summer and winter in the Wakayama countryside at my aunts, uncles and cousins. We had a Kishu-ken dog named Ponta as well, swam in the local watering hole and helped with gardening chores.

  12. Hello- During winter, the home looks very cold given the lack of insulation. Besides the wood burning stove, do you heat the home with portable heaters? Do you live there full time? In one of your videos, you could really see Pancake’s breath in the home!

  13. Thank you fo such a wonderful channel. Japan and its culture is fascinating, though you have mentioned that you and Jesse are Canadians, Mika are you parents originally from Japan (sorry do not mean to pry) ? You seem to assimilate very well into their society

    1. Hi Brad, no, my parents are not originally from Japan. I try my best to assimilate, but I am still very much a foreigner here, stumbling through as best as I can. 🙃

  14. Hi Maigomika,
    Thank you for your wonderful youtube channel!
    Your sincere, down to earth content is a true blessing.

    I am a guy in his late twenties from Germany that relocated to central Kochi roughly 2 years ago because of work. I would love to have a chat with you 2 over a cup of coffee someday. No hard feelings whatsoever if you aren’t interested, but in case there is a possibility feel free to contact me at the e-mail address used here :).

    Either way, Good Luck with all your future endevours!

  15. The website looks great! Did you build it yourself, or are you using one of the website template services, like Squarespace or something?

    1. Thanks, Rachel! I’m using a WordPress template called Astra and customizing it to my needs using their preset templates. If I had to do this all over again, I might opt for something like Squarespace instead to save me from all the tedious design work. But for now, I’m happy with the progress I have made with my website and will stick with it!

  16. Hi, how did you get your marketing job? I’m entry level in marketing right now, and I’ve been interested in going to Japan. I was fine with the idea of starting as an English teacher, but I wanted to eventually try some form of marketing

    1. Hi John, Thanks for your question. I first started in copywriting aspect of marketing. Simply put, I demonstrated my copywriting skills by starting a personal project (a blog) that focused on and showcased those skills. I also began networking in person by attending local meetups and connecting with people working in city tourism. In the end, however, my online networking became the most fruitful for me. I followed several accounts online that was doing work I was interested in, commented on their posts and articles, which eventually lead to my meeting (virtually) with someone involved in the marketing travel work I do now.

      Your approach may vary depending on your marketing specialty, but I suggest starting by demonstrating your abilities through a project. It’s also important to note that I gained these opportunities because I was already working in Japan (teaching English), which I think is a crucial stepping stone for most people when they are looking into finding other work in Japan.

      Hope this helps and all the best of luck!

  17. Hi. Great site. For health reasons I am looking for an isolated Akiya house in the countryside somewhere to rent/buy. Is it easy to find used cars to buy? Motorcycles? Scooters? How do you get around if you live in a rural region?

    1. Hi Scott, sure, you can easily find used cars, motorcycles, and scooters, though you may need some assistance in navigating Japanese websites selling them and negotiating in Japanese to English on your behalf.

      Regarding transportation, it really depends on where you are located — I know people in the countryside living near train stations specifically so that they can utilize public transport rather than drive. For us, our options are limited, hence our vehicle. Hope that helps!

  18. Probably a dumb question, coming from an Aussie who wants to move to Japan with hubby but has yet to visit (needy pups who we can’t bear to board lol) but- Do train stations have parking for you to drive to then park and ride the train to say Tokyo? Or do you have to walk to a bus stop then bus then train? Is your island joined to the mainland or do you take a Ferry? We DEF don’t wanna live in the city so we would also be buying a car etc, but are there places to park when we go adventuring etc?

    Thank you so much for your channel, its my calming happy place and i get so excited every time you post. I can’t wait to escape here and live a slow intentional life.
    P.s We noticed Pancake is on leash a lot now, was he naughty and running away? lol. He’s so sweet and rediculously cute. We have adored watching him grow, thank you for sharing him and your life with us.

    p.p.s Do the monkeys come near your house? Are they cheeky and naughty? If they were aussie they’d be ripping your rubbers out of the car windows like our birds do, just for fun LOL Hubby is reserved about living near them lol

    1. Hi Heather, thank you so much for your comment!

      It depends on which train station — some of the older stations don’t have much real estate for parking spots. Luckily, we have a few at ours, so we can skip the buses.

      Shikoku is connected both by a train bridge, the Shimanami Kaido expressway (a series of suspension and cable-stayed bridges to drive or cycle over), and a ferry from Matsuyama to Hiroshima.

      Pancake is on a leash most of the time for two reasons: 1. Legally, we are required to keep our dogs on a leash in Japan, and 2. This area has deer and boar traps in hidden corners of the fields that we would rather not have him accidentally fall into.

      Yes, monkeys come near the house, but scatter pretty quickly when they see us.

      Hope that answers your questions!

      1. Hey!
        It really does thank you so much! Loved your newest vlog! Can’t wait to see more. Hows the househunting going? Also- if money and jobs weren’t a factor, where would you both love to live in Japan? (If not where you are now)
        Have a greaty day!

      2. Hello Heather, and thank you for your kind words!

        Our house search is progressing slowly. We have come across some potential options, but it has been quite challenging to navigate through the limited availability of properties on the house and akiya websites.
        Recently, we’ve been hitting the pavement by driving around looking for places, and reaching out to our contacts to see if anyone can contact homeowners directly. Some promising leads, but establishing contact with homeowners or those willing to sell is the tricky part!

        There are so many places in Japan that would be incredible to live in. That being said, if work wasn’t a factor, I would be inclined towards Kyushu, particularly Oita or Kumamoto. But, we have certainly found a wonderful home here in Shikoku. No complaints!

  19. Hi! New subscriber, and hooked 🙂 I’m curious about the tannoy or speaker in your house. Is it connected to the radio? Your music? What was its original purpose.
    Thank you for this compelling and peaceful content!
    Arwen, in Toronto

    1. Hi Arwen, thank you for your question! Yes, it’s a speaker that is connected to the local PA system. Local announcements, morning radio taiso, and the morning and evening bells all come through the speaker. However, it’s quite old, so the sound comes out quite softly. I can barely make out what they are saying. 😅

  20. Hi Mika! I’m curious, what editing software/editing app do you use and around how much time does it take you to edit a video?

    1. Hi Helena! I use Adobe Premiere Pro, but only because I have have the full Adobe suite for work. As for editing a video, it can depend on how much footage I have, but typically, it can take 4-5 full days of editing!

  21. How can we join Jesse in his blacksmith class? Is there an online enrollment? Where is the shop located? Do they sell knives? We would like to visit the shop.

  22. Hello Mika! Fellow Canadian here…I really enjoy your videos…I find your vloging style very calming and i enjoy learning about how you live in rural Japan. I enjoyed the one where you followed Jesse over a day of working at the smithery. I was wondering if he accepts orders for custom knives?

    1. Hi Aristaea! Thank you for watching XD

      Jesse doesn’t accept custom orders, but, in the future, he would like to set up an online shop for knives he and his sensei makes. We shall see when that happens!

  23. Hi Mika! I just wanted to say that the combination of your voiceover and the nature sounds makes me feel like I am watching a travel documentary series. Very soothingggg hehehe!!!! May I ask what microphone or techniques do you use to record your voice and the bird sounds? I am proud of you. Please keep up the good work. You got this!!!!

    1. Hi Jenny, thank you! Sound design is still an area I would like to improve on, but every video I think I am finessing it. Glad you are enjoying!

      I use the Rode VideoMic GO II on my camera, and DJI Mics for voice over. No special techniques, just fiddling with the dials on my video editor until the sound “sounds” right. 😀

  24. Hi Mika,

    I’ve been watching your videos for over a year and I absolutely love your aesthetic. I am actually traveling to Shikoku in the new year with my partner and am curious if you know of any locations in the Iya valley that would be good to observe wildlife? Thanks for all your wonderful videos, I always look forward to watching them!

    1. Hi Paul, thanks for the comment! Iya Valley is such a beautiful part of Shikoku; however, I’m not too familiar with the spots where you can observe wildlife there. I suppose it depends on where exactly you are—I’m sure if you’re in the countryside, you could just step out the front door and likely stumble upon a few wild creatures!

    1. Hi Rick, thanks for your comment. It’s tough to summarize in one sentence, but we became interested in living in Japan after several trips together. We loved how some of the café and restaurants we visited set up their businesses in residential areas, we were interested learning about traditional crafts, and really enjoyed the interactions with the people we met along the way. 😀

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